We love it when we get referrals from our existing clients. It's a great chance to meet new, fun people and learn a little bit about them and their family. Six month old sessions are probably some of my favorite, and when you add a beautiful location it becomes pretty adorable. She had the bluest eyes and the sweetest demeanor....and a fake sneeze was my golden ticket for a smile :) Our friends over at Ocotillo Golf in Chandler (Thank you Shane!) were gracious enough to let us use their amazing landscape.
Freddie's First Year Photos
This cute guy was such a little model for his 1st birthday session . His favorite thing about the session was the balloons and he was always on the look out for them. He brought this awesome sign boasting all of his accomplishments, and he kept pointing to the sign-almost as if to read them off one by one. It was the funniest thing! Happy Birthday Buddy!